The best laid plans …

So far this month, we’ve had 10.45″ of rain … life in the PNW … but the weather reports all said we would have partly sunny skies today.

This morning, as I was looking over my jam-packed to-do list, I eyed the sky as the sun was coming up and saw that yes, indeed, there were patches of blue out there.

“Hmmm,” I thought, “great day for a walk,” but my full list tugged at my conscious, so I scrapped the idea.

I began my morning with a bit of cleaning followed by a couple of client appointments. Next on my list were several errands. Grateful I wouldn’t have to drive around in the rain, I put on my jacket and grabbed my keys. I went out, got into my car, started the engine and began to roll down the driveway … but something was wrong. I got out to see what I could see and sure enough ..wp-image-790867541jpg.jpg. my rear tire was flat. So much for my to-do list.

I dragged the compressor out, filled the tire and drove directly to the tire place where the nice lady behind the counter told me it would be at least an hour.

One of the stops I had planned making was about 1/2 a mile away. I decided to walk there to do my errand … and just like that, the powers that be arranged it so I got that walk.

… my to-do list? largely unfinished. The walk? amazing … look at the blue in that sky!

Just bless it …

Awhile back, I embarked on a meditation adventure designed to bring more money into my life. It was a fascinating experience that, in the end, had little to do with my ability to make more money, but a whole lot to do with my beliefs about abundance and success, but I digress …

One of the things the author of the manifesting money book suggested was that when we begin to feel frustrated by the process, we start blessing things … everything, he said, bless everything you can think of. And so I did because, why not?

I cracked myself up because I found myself blessing things like the ancient, scarred vinyl floor in my kitchen, or the piece of lint stuck to the back of the jacket of the guy standing in line in front of me.

At the very least, I got a good laugh out of it when I was blessing these odd things, and laughing is always a plus.

Not long after that, I had a reading (yes! psychics get readings from other psychics!). During that reading, it came up that my partner always leaves doors and drawers standing open …

“What,” I began to rant to this patient, wise woman, “is so difficult about closing a drawer!?”

Happily, she empathized, and then she gave me some sage advice, “Give a little blessing each time you close a door or drawer behind him.”

Because really, it’s a choice: I can get angry, or I can accept that this is part of who he is.

As it turns out, this is a great technique to apply to multiple aspects of our lives.

Stuck in traffic and watched the light turn from green to red twice and you seriously need to pee? at the DMV? in a meeting where those who love to hear the sound of their own voices bring up subjects better addressed in email?

Start blessing things. You don’t even have to bless the things that are irritating you although that’s helpful, too.

Yesterday at lunchtime, I ran into the grocery to get something from the deli because I was starving and I had a coffee date to go to, but I needed to eat something first … I shoved some samosas into a container and fast-walked to the check-out stands to discover only three of the twelve lines open and those three lines were jammed with shoppers.


Now … anyone who knows me will tell you: I am not a patient woman, but I am learning. Yesterday, I could have stood there and stewed then left irritated and cast a pall over my day, but who needs that?

So I began to bless things. I blessed my samsoas (I was SO hungry!). I blessed the droplets of water dripping off my rain coat onto my shoes. I blessed the guy in front of me who made the woman he was with laugh. I blessed the long lines to either side of me. I blessed the sound of the cash drawer opening … you get the point … and before I knew it, I was paying for my stuff and laughing with the cashier as she handed me my change and sent me on my way to fill my belly …

Just bless it. It works.

So, what do you do?


As I shift from my current career as college writing instructor to professional psychic, I have come to dread the inevitable question: “So, what are you doing now that you’re not teaching full-time?”

“Well … um … I’ve been freelancing.”

Sometimes people accept this and assume I’m taking freelance writing jobs, the conversation is over, and I’m relieved. Sometimes they look for a clearer answer, “What kind of writing are you doing?”

“Well …,” I hedge, “It’s mostly proprietary.” It’s sort of the truth …

But really, I want to tell everyone what I’m doing … I want to shout it out and be excited about it and have everyone be excited for me: “I’m setting up my practice as a psychic advisor!”

But right now, I’m not brave enough to do that. The word “psychic” evokes strong emotions, and none of them are positive: psychics aren’t real! they’re fakes! crooks! they scam people out of their money! Or worse, they’re “weird,” “crazy,” or “dangerous.”

Certainly there are plenty of unethical “psychics”; fakes who prey on the desperate. All trades have these people, but the esoteric, less tangible nature of energy work tends to inspire even more distrust than say, the contractor who cashes the check and starts a cut-rate project before abandoning the job disappearing with the remainder of the funds.

But here I am, being psychic, and carrying the weight of that label.

One of my goals with this new venture is to help to normalize the idea of psychics … intuitives, healers … those of us who work between the spiritual plane and the physical plane.

We’re just regular people; we wear blue jeans and t-shirts, we stand in line next to you in the grocery, at the movies, at the coffee shop. We have lives just like yours. We have friends and families. We love and we cry, we have mortgages and use credit cards …

The only difference is we use different tools … tools we’re happy to share with anyone who wants to create new things for themselves.

So, if you ask me what I’m doing these days, and I hesitate, now you know why … I’m me, but doing something unusual. I hope one day to be able to say, without hesitation and with pride, “I am an intuitive advisor.”

For more information about what I do or to book an appointment, email me here.