

This is the theme that has run through my encounters with people in the past few weeks. Whether I’m talking with my students or my friends or giving readings to clients, my intuition shouts, “Recharge!”

Despite the conveniences of our modern lives … or perhaps because of them … smart phones! iPads! binge tv watching! … many of us seem to struggle to find quiet time for ourselves. This results in fatigue, stress and anxiety.

When I say quiet time, I don’t mean slouched in front of the tv, scrolling aimlessly through our smart phones, chatting with friends, or mindlessly surfing the Internet … I mean 10 or 20 minutes a day that we devote to quiet so that we can rebalance.

There are many, many ways to achieve this. Meditation is one way although it, too, takes many forms. Some people sit quietly and breathe, others chant and yet others simply allow themselves to “be.”

Nature is another place where people can go to recharge: the beach, the mountains, the forest … anywhere that people can be close to the plants and animals and the earth that birthed them. Nature is the perfect place to find that proverbial inner-peace … walking, sitting, hugging trees.

I once had a friend who told me he used to accomplish this by putting on his headphones and cranking his heavy metal music, then he would lay on his bed, guitars screaming in his head, and let his mind go blank … he swore it worked …

We all have our own ways of clearing out our days and resetting ourselves for the next set of experiences.

So … how do you recharge? Comment below!